
Not everything fits into a 30-minute podcast.

This is where we share the stuff that didn't make it into the show.

November 13, 2017

Marriage... Honestly! Episode 4: Helicopters, Produce and Paul McCartney

If you know Tom - even in passing - you know he's a huge Beatles fan. So when my PR Newswire for Journalists feed included a story about Sir Paul's new documentary, complete with video/audio clip, I knew it had to be part of the podcast.

But the really great thing about working with your spouse is that you also learn things you didn't know. This week's "second guess trivia" proves that.

Do you work with your spouse? If so, tell us what you believe are the best and worst aspects. And remember: the show is called Marriage... Honestly!

~ Stephanie

October 30, 2017

Marriage... Honestly! Episode 3: Halloween and Harvey Weinstein

We have a lot of laughs talking about marriage and relationships on the podcast - but every once in a while you have to get serious. That was the case this week when thousands of women (and men) came forward to admit that they had been sexually harassed and assaulted on the job - and not just in Hollywood.

It happened to me a number of times, none more memorable than when I was 16 and the owner of the fabric shop I was working at cornered me in the stock room and purred: "You know, I'm very nice to girls who are nice to me."

Terrified...? Yes. But I was also angry. So I told his wife, the co-owner. And I got fired.

It's great working on a podcast with my husband for many, many reasons. Perhaps mostly because I'm safe and having a great time. But not all women are in that position. To them I say, tell your story. Don't carry it like a chain around your ankle. And, if you can't tell it publicly, tell it privately. To a friend, to a family member - to a professional listener. Start dropping that weight one link at a time and soon the chain will fall away completely.


October 16, 2017

Marriage... Honestly! Episode 2: All in the Family

They say that the only people you can count on are family. I don't know how other families work, but that's definitely the case for us. Our son and daughter-in-law have been supportive of Marriage... Honestly! since the idea was conceived. They're both smart, funny people - so their opinion is important to us.

If you think we're just a little biased when it comes to Christian and Keri, see for yourself. In this episode we play a game with them we call Things My Spouse Does That I'll NEVER Understand. Even the bad audio on the call (totally my screw-up, by the way) doesn't diminish the genuine laughter and fun they have with one another, and Tom and I have just talking to them.

I hope you enjoy our special "All in the Family" episode. As always, let us know what you think.


October 10, 2017

Our First Podcast

Well, we went live with our first podcast yesterday and all I can say is... WOW!

The reception was swift and positive and we couldn't be more flattered. (If you haven't listened yet, please do.)

Thank you all for your Facebook "loves," direct messages, and "shares" among friends. We are truly touched.

For the next few weeks we hope to post a new episode every Monday or Tuesday. After that, we hope to bump it up to two episodes a week. But for now, we're taking things one show at a time to ensure we create the best product possible.

Your comments are always welcome so please keep them coming.

~Tom & Stephanie

October 4, 2017

Marriage... Honestly! Debuts Next Week

It's finally here: the kick-off of the Marriage... Honestly! podcast happens next week.

We've been hard at work putting the finishing touches on our first show, and we think our first impression will be a good one.

Want to be alerted as soon as the podcast is posted? Sign up for email alerts. It's absolutely free and we never share your personal information. Here's the easy sign-up form, but remember: signing up is a two-part process. After you complete this little form, check your email for the second verification step. Without that, your subscription cannot be processed.

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Thanks so much for the encouragement we've received and please do let us know what you think of the show.

~Tom & Stephanie

September 29, 2017

Thank You for Your Kind Response!

The word about Tom's return, and our Marriage... Honestly! podcast, is spreading and we couldn't be more flattered at the positive and generous response.

The Central Pennsylvania radio family is a welcoming one - even if you haven't seen one another in more years than you can remember. Thanks to all who expressed enthusiasm for the project, and excitement for Tom's return.

The Marriage... Honestly! debut is less than two weeks away now. We're having a great time and hope you all enjoy listening to the show as much as we are enjoying making it.
